Friday, November 8, 2013

A Month of Gratitude and Love: Our November Newsletter

227 S Cedar St, Suite B                                                    (843) 628-3601

Happy November!

It's a month of Thanksgiving, a month to find gratitude for the people you love, for the things in your life that make you happy - big and small - and most importantly find gratitude for YOU!! Find gratitude and thanks for WHO YOU ARE: YOUR TRUTH, YOUR BODY, YOUR MIND, YOUR SPIRIT! Yoga is for everyone. No matter what your current skill level, remember that every yogi had to start somewhere. You will always be at the right point on your own personal journey. This month, banish your need for perfection, and work to enjoy the effortless feeling of sitting in a pose and experiencing your breath.

Certain poses evoke certain feelings. Some make us feel powerful, like Warrior II. Others bring us comfort, such as Child's Pose. Inversions can energize, and hip poses clarify. So, in light of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I'm wondering which poses give you an "attitude of gratitude?"  What are your favorite poses that help you find an expression of thanks? This month we explore heart opening postures from simple back bends to bigger openers like camel, bound bridge and wheel.  Heart-opening poses are like saying, "I'm here and I'm wide open to so many blessings."  We will include forward folds - whether it's a literal forward fold, a one legged-pigeon or child's pose, these poses give you an opportunity to literally bow and express gratitude. 

And as always, we end our practice with Namaste.  Taking a moment to bow to your true self and bow to everyone else at the end of practice gives you a chance to send wishes of thanks, light and love. 

Take a picture of yourself in your favorite POSE OF GRATITUDE and TELL US WHY THE POSE BRINGS YOU THIS FEELING and email it to  Kristín to get featured on our Facebook page and be entered to win a FREE CLASS!

Come join us this month at Summerville Yoga and Wellness.  Hook in to your feeling of bliss and GRATITUDE for yourself and allow that feeling to spill over into your every day.  As the holidays approach there are a lot of things that may cause stress -- stores get more crowded, traffic gets heavier, finances feel strained, but a PEACEFUL and CALM MINDSET can make anything manageable.  Yoga helps create that feeling from within.  It's born within you - sometimes you just need to take time to remember how to feel your positive blissful best. 

And did you know SYW has gift certificates available?!! Stop racking your brain about what to get that person on your list that "has everything" and give the gift of YOGA!  Go to and click to our online store/yoga classes and get your gift certificate today!

We are SO GRATEFUL for YOU and appreciate you choosing Summerville Yoga and Wellness for your home studio.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  And as a THANK YOU, we would like to give back to our yogis!  A 10% HOLIDAY DISCOUNT is available on CLASS CARDS ONLY and for purchases AT THE STUDIO ONLY (not available for single class or online purchases).  So at your next class, ask about signing up for more and receive 10% off your next class card purchase. 

Share the love, spread the word, and be sure to find us on facebook! 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!  We hope to see you on the mat soon!


~ Kristín and the staff at Summerville Yoga and Wellness

(Questions or concerns?  Call us at (843) 628-3601 or email

Winter Schedule for Summerville Yoga and Wellness
6:30 pm            Warm Vinyasa Fusion w/ Kristín Cotton , 1 hour & 15 minutes
9:00 am            Warm Vinyasa Fusion w/ Kristín Cotton, 1 hour & 15 minutes
5:30pm             KIDS YOGA (ages 6-12) w/ Kelynn Giorno, 1 hour
7:00pm          Hot Vinyasa w/Claire Wagner, 1 hour 15 minutes
7:00 pm             Intro to Integral w/Kelynn Giorno, 1 hour
9:00 am            Warm Vinyasa Fusion w/ Kristín Cotton, 1 hour & 15 minutes
7:00 pm            Hot Yoga (Hot 26) w/ Kristín Cotton, 1 hour & 15 minutes
9:00 am            Warm Gentle Flow w/ Kristín Cotton, 1 hour & 15 minutes
6:00pm           Happy Hour Yoga  w/ Angel Tonemah, 1 hour 
10:30 am         Hot Yoga (Barkan Method) w/ Kristín Cotton, 1 hour & 15 minutes
6:30pm          Community Class w/Kelynn Giorno, 1 hour (DONATION CLASS - No class cards)